How Portfolio Managers Uncover Blind Spots with AlphaSense

Fundamental research and market analysis are central to portfolio management, but they only represent a portion of day-to-day function. Investment teams also devote a significant amount of time to client meetings, new product development, company engagement, client reporting, pitch presentations, supporting business development, and more. 

The need to juggle the many demands placed on investment teams makes a strong case for market intelligence that is relevant, accurate, timely, and that delivers the insights crucial to decision-making. With resources and time economized across team functions, it is more critical than ever to gain valuable insights with speed and accuracy. 

Knowing which pitfalls to avoid is equally critical for portfolio managers. Platforms like AlphaSense leverage AI to deliver the speed, precision, relevance, accuracy, and comprehensiveness that investment teams rely on in their day-to-day functions. With a wealth of information at their fingertips, portfolio managers can eliminate blindspots and make investment decisions with conviction. 

Below, we explore best practices for investment teams to surface blind spots in their research process, and how they can best prioritize their workflow with AI-driven capabilities. 

Leverage Lightning-Fast, Data-Driven Insights

Quick insights supported by data from premium, vetted content sources are essential to the research process. On a portfolio level, these findings drive the decisions behind allocation, positioning, and/or re-balancing. On a macro due diligence level, these findings may drive M&A activity, or significantly impact the deal-making process and relevant outcomes.

With AlphaSense’s cutting-edge AI technology, portfolio managers can get the insights they need in seconds. With a simple keyword search, they can uncover a wealth of documents, transcripts, broker research, and expert perspectives on any theme or topic that may be trending with current holdings in their portfolio, or that may be driving new positions. 

Our Smart Summaries feature allows investment teams to glean instant insights about trends at any particular company. Drawing from a premium content universe of more than 10,000 sources, Smart Summaries generates insights across all four key perspectives: company documents, news, expert interview transcripts, and equity research.

Powered by generative AI (genAI), Smart Summaries for earnings analysis provides bulleted summaries with the most important topics, guidance, competitive signals, and analyst questions from every earnings call transcript. Beyond just highlighting trends, Smart Summaries illustrate what a datapoint means in the larger context of the market. 

Smart Summaries helps provide a holistic snapshot of:

  • Analyst upgrades and downgrades, outlooks, and broader market sentiment
  • What former employees, competitors, and channel partners are saying about the firm’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis)
  • Future guidance on critical KPIs for the company

portfolio managers uncover blind spots with AlphaSense

With AlphaSense, AI and genAI work together to surface and eliminate blind spots with the most comprehensive, 360-degree view of any trending theme, topic, industry, or company relevant to your investment portfolio. 

Combine Proprietary Research with In-House Intelligence

A hallmark of genAI’s expansive capabilities is the ability for investment teams to leverage their own proprietary content. Enhancing knowledge discovery is essential to uncovering blind spots in the research process. By accelerating and centralizing research findings, portfolio managers can leverage existing intelligence, prevent the duplicity of work, and access insights more quickly. 

Often, investment teams create internal research that gets lost across disparate systems and teams working in silos. Critical components of your firm’s market intelligence—internal research, investment memos, client deliverables, strategy presentations, and meeting notes—are often fragmented and inaccessible. As a result, firms lose valuable intelligence and the ability to make decisions with conviction.

AlphaSense’s Enterprise Intelligence solution addresses this issue by unlocking the value of your firm’s prized internal knowledge using generative AI. Our purpose-built AI searches, summarizes, and interrogates your proprietary internal data, alongside a vast repository of 300M+ premium external documents to surface the most valuable insights. It also allows you to automatically integrate and tag your PDFs, SharePoint documents, CIMs, Excel sheets, and more. Additionally, you can interrogate long documents with natural-language chat that goes straight to the source to surface the most relevant insights. 

By leveraging genAI to avoid blindspots, investment teams can capitalize on their proprietary intelligence and research, remove the potential for unknowns, inaccuracies, and duplicity in their work, optimize their time and resources, and focus on delivering greater value to their clients.

Conduct Air-Tight Due Diligence

Conducting air-tight due diligence is critical to ensure that a viable investment is made on behalf of stakeholders. More than ever, investment teams need the right information and resources to research and validate a potential investment or deal and remove any potential blind spots in the process.

With AlphaSense, portfolio managers can seamlessly and efficiently conduct due diligence on any company, trend, topic, or industry and surface insights in seconds. The pairing of AI with  premium, proprietary, public, and private content minimizes informational blind spots and identifies red flags and potential risks.

Designed with fundamental research in mind, our platform’s advanced AI capabilities help extract the most important insights across millions of documents. Additionally, investment teams can conduct risk analysis, build financial models, and set real-time alerts to ensure they never miss out on key updates. 

For industry due diligence, AlphaSense offers all the tools necessary to conduct TAM analysis, proper market sizing, industry benchmarking, reputational risk management, management analysis, and more.  Our AI-based capabilities like Smart Synonyms™, sentiment analysis, and Smart Summaries help capture critical insights across structured and unstructured data sources, helping you get the most out of your research.

Get the Upper Hand With Expert Perspectives

Expert perspectives span company specifics, industry trends, and regional dynamics to ensure portfolio managers leave no stone unturned. By consolidating primary and secondary research efforts with expert perspectives, an investment team can gain holistic, all-encompassing views to accelerate and justify decision-making, eliminating any inherent blind spots in the process.

AlphaSense Expert Insights provide meaningful perspectives from industry experts who have actually spent time at an organization. Their first-hand insights are unparalleled when it comes to culture, leadership styles, internal motivations and challenges, and other intangible factors that can potentially impact an investment placement. 

Our Expert Insights offering includes:

  • Expert Transcript Library – Over 45,000 expert transcripts in our library to access proprietary insights from former executives, customers, competitors, and channel participants across a range of industries. Leverage our premium insights on thousands of public and private companies to strategically position your portfolio.
  • Expert Call Services – Access to more than one million pre-qualified expert profiles spanning all industries across the globe. Our Expert Call Services allow you to quickly and inexpensively connect with experts for customized interviews to fill in any gaps in your research.

Expert transcripts provide a unique lens into the key debates that are shaping the most important investment and strategic business decisions on the street and in corporate boardrooms, leading portfolio managers to insights and perspectives that they can’t find anywhere else. 

Make Decisions with Confidence

To successfully juggle the many demands placed on portfolio management teams, it is essential to streamline workflows with the help of AI and genAI. Portfolio managers need to ensure that their team is not wasting time on manual tasks or on procuring information that is inaccurate, past its prime, or that they already have intelligence for in-house. Avoiding these blind spots sets your team up for success and drives strong, informed investment recommendations.

Remove your research and decision-making blind spots with AlphaSense’s powerful AI and genAI—start your free trial today.

Barbara Tague
Barbara Tague
Content Marketing Manager

Barb is a Content Marketing Manager covering the financial services segment at AlphaSense. Previously, she managed the content program at a global financial services firm.

Read all posts written by Barbara Tague