What makes our solution different

Spend less time searching for KPIs in dense documents

Find, stitch together, and export tables in seconds

Access thousands of industry analyst reports without traditional entitlements
Industry reports from top analysts
Access 1,000+ broker research providers with Smart Search technology that quickly surfaces market landscapes, industry trends, and the performance of competitors and peers.
Find, export, analyze
Enhance financial benchmarking by easily chaining together tables from company filings in a few clicks and export to Excel for additional analysis.
Verify peer metrics in no time
Easily find KPIs for public and private companies buried in filings, company presentations and broker research. Smart Synonyms™ understand variations in language so you can pinpoint market share and growth projections faster.
Discover more use cases for AlphaSense
Competitive Intelligence
Learn moreMarket Landscaping
Learn moreFundamental Research
Learn moreBusiness Development
Learn moreEarnings Analysis
Learn moreDue Diligence
Learn morePrivate Market Intelligence
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Benchmark competitors and peers with ease